Contact Dermatitis

The Ultimate in Skin Protection

Sale pricing continues thru October ORDER NOW!

Stops Contact Dermatitis

$24.95 >> $19.95 – 8 oz bottle
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Protects your skin from the substances that cause Contact DermatitisChimal Skin Shield is a flexible, invisible, non-slippery material that is applied to the skin that will not let harsh chemicals or biological agents make contact with your skin.

When applied properly protection will last four hours and cannot be washed off with soaps or solvents. While Chimal Skin Shield is not a medicine and no medical claims are made, Chimal will prevent contact with the many substances that cause contact dermatitis, latex sensitively and many other skin problems.

We estimate 25 uses per ounce for hands. That is 88 uses per bottle, 19 cents per use or 38 cents per day for an eight hour shift.
• 8 oz bottle is just $24.95 >> $19.95 or 24 cents per day!

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Contact Dermatitis

Do these symptoms describe your skin condition?

Red, itchy and irritated with open cracks that won’t heal? You may have Contact Dermatitis. The University of Illinois, McKinley Health Center web page on contact dermatitis describes it as

…a skin reaction that occurs after you have been exposed to a substance that either irritates your skin or triggers an allergic response. If your skin condition is caused by contact with an irritating or harsh substance, you have primary irritant contact dermatitis. If your skin condition is an allergic reaction to a substance, you have allergic contact dermatitis. The symptoms and treatment of both types of contact dermatitis are similar. Fluid-filled bumps or blisters, tenderness and redness of the skin often occur with contact dermatitis. You may also notice oozing cracks or fissures in the reddened, irritated skin areas. Usually, these symptoms will occur only in the areas that actually came into contact with the irritant or allergen. Your affected areas will probably itch and burn.


Many substances can cause this reaction. The most common culprits are epoxy resins, latex gloves, the 200 plus chemicals used to make latex, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, perfumed soaps, perfumes, colognes, makeup, smoke, irritant plants (i.e., poison ivy, poison sumac, poison oak), dyes and nickel. Nickel may be used in bra stays, hairpins, eyelash curlers, eyeglass frames, necklace clasps, zippers, garter clasps, thimbles, watchbands, insecticides, fungicides, and more. [ Additional Info ]


“The best treatment for contact dermatitis is to avoid the substance causing the reaction until your lesions heal and the culprit can be identified,” according to the University of Illinois.

Many of the substances that cause contact dermatitis are work related and eliminating the problem substance could require a job change. For many reasons this may not be possible.

The Skin Care Solution
Protect your skin from the cause of the irritation. Chimal Skin Shield is a flexible, invisible, non-slippery material that is applied to the skin that will not let harsh chemicals or biological agents make contact with your skin.
When applied properly protection will last four hours and cannot be washed off with soaps or solvents. While Chimal Skin Shield is not a medicine and no medical claims are made, Chimal will prevent contact with the many substances that cause contact dermatitis, latex sensitively and many other skin problems.
We estimate 25 uses per ounce for hands. That is 88 uses per bottle, 19 cents per use or 38 cents per day for an eight hour shift.
• 8 oz bottle is just $24.95 >> $19.95
 or 24 cents per day!
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Sale pricing continues thru October ORDER NOW!

How Chimal Skin Shield Works

The outer layer of skin consists of dead skin cells which protect the delicate living cells of the deeper layers beneath. This outer layer needs to stay moisturized in order to protect the deeper layers of skin. To keep the moisture (water) from leaving the outer layer, your skin produces natural oils. These oils also help keep irritants from the deeper layers of skin. Regular washing with soap, or exposure to chemicals, can remove these natural oils.

When the natural oil is stripped from the outer layer, moisture quickly leaves the skin dry, irritated, and itchy. Worse, the deeper layers of skin are now left exposed to harsh damaging irritants such as detergents, solvents, cleaners, paint and thinners, gardening chemicals, dirt and grease, latex gloves and powder, etc. This results in more dry, irritated, and itchy skin that becomes chapped, cracked and damaged.

Skin lotions only replace natural oils with artificial ones. These only offer temporary relief that does little to heal the skin. Regular use of lotions can actually cause the skin to produce less natural oils. Instead of attempting to replace these natural oils, chimal forms a web, or bond, with the outer layer of dead skin cells. Thus Chimal Skin Shield helps reduce the natural oil and moisture loss, allowing the skin to heal itself. The Chimal Skin Shield helps the outer layer keep its natural oils and moisturizers that protect the deeper layers of skin, leaving skin soft and supple.

The Chimal Skin Shield keeps the outer layer of skin functioning so well it can breathe and perspire naturally. Because chimal becomes part of the outer layer of skin, it cannot be washed off like conventional lotions. It comes off naturally with exfoliating skin cells. For continued protection, just reapply every 3-4 hours.

More Contact Dermatitis information

Cosmetics and Contact Dermatitis

Ocupational Contact Dermatitis

Alergic Contact Dermatitis from the Podiatrists View

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No statements have been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).